Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog two

A triathlon takes up just a s much time as a marathon. In the end they end up equaling the same distance. Marathons only include running for long times on end and triathlons include biking, running and swimming. It takes a lot for me to stay focused but i like the challenge.I training for marathons with my mom. Its the one thing that we do have in common which is nice, because when we go running we just talk. With my mom working 7 days a week its nice to just catch up sometimes cuz usually during the week we will fight a lot cuz she is stressed out about work and I'm about what ever high school brings to me as all of us know. But back on subject they are very different when it comes to training for them. For instance when you are training for a marathon you do a couple short runs then one long one then you do a couple short ones then a longer one so on and so forth. In triathlons you have to train almost every muscle in you body which can be very intense. Then again it could be nice because instead of overworking one part of your body you are giving one pint a break while you target another one. In training for a Marathon you can take a couple breaks and just rest but in a triathlon you are targeting all the parts so if you rest them for too long then you start to lose what you have built up which isnt good because you have to work out again and it is going to make your training longer. I think that triathlons people have alot more endurance then alot of people because its pushing your body to its limit. For me if i zone into something other then what im doing, it makes it alot easier if im listening to music because i can run to the beat. But we all know those songs that give us that little extra boost haha and dont lie so i ten to get tired alot faster at random times. When you are runnign that long distance you are suppose to pase yourself otherwise you will stop way before you want to. I have a tendince to run faster at certuan moments and then i need to stop but if i stop i wont go again so i have to push my self for a long period of time after that. My aunt does triathlons and they are beestly people. Not to be mean or anything but they are very toned which can look good on some people but on others it looks a little sick. Another huge part of a triathlon is your diet. They have to eat very balanced diets and because they work more they have to intake alot more as well. So instead of a 2000 calorie diet its like a 6000 calorie diet.

1 comment:

T Fly said...

I think it's cool how you run with your mom. I don't think I could ever do that because my mom can get annoying and complains a lot. I listen to music to while I run and that helps me too because it gets me in a rhythm. I don't think I want to meet your aunt she sounds scary. I don't think I would want to have a 6000 calorie diet.