Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog three

I thought the author of this book was kind of self-centered. In every one of his books so far he has been writing about one of his child hood memories and tells about how hard it was for him. We all go through some tuff experiences in each of our lives but we don’t need to tell the world about it. I mean high school for instance many hurt full things happen in high school weather it’s a nasty rumor going around or drugs whatever your situation is its not easy. I have to say I didn’t like the book though because its not something I would of read in the first place. I think this book would be better for guys because it talks about working out and all the stuff it takes to train for a triathlon and is something a guy would be way more interested in. Girls these days like love story’s so they can hope and have there relationships be just like the ones in the book. Where it’s a little country girl and a very hot guy who meet up while they were working and they fall in love at first sight. This is the type of story all girls I know love. We don’t like something about guys working out and how hard the training is. The one thing I did like was how it brought up issues our world has today. The issue in our book was anger management. I think this is an issue in our world because all of the people these days put so much pressure on things that don’t need to be talked about. It has been known that people are dying so much earlier because they are putting to much pressure on them selves to ether get to a dead line or what ever it is. But we aren’t treating our body like we should. For example people are cutting out sleep to finish everything they need to get done. I personally think that if people stopped procrastinating and did what they needed to get done then maybe they wouldn’t have to do such bad things to there body. I think this book is good though because it addresses this problem on many accounts because it talks about how health he has to be in order for him to train for what he wanted to do which was the Iron man triathlon.

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