Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Anger manigement

The issues that was demonstated in the book were really interesting and sometimes hard to read about. Abuse and Anger are hard to read about and because that is a main aspect in the book, sometimes I had a hard time reading parts but at the same time I thought that Chris Crutcher got in depth with what we would want to read. At first I thought that it was really stupid that Bo had to go to the Anger Management Class because what he did wasn’t his fault. Calling a teacher a name after he wouldn’t shut up about an assignment that Bo missed is more like detention material in my mind. Even though at first I thought it was stupid that he was sent to the class, after finishing the book it seems like him going to the class was a very good. Bo can get angry easily and I believe that it is all his dads fault that he is like that. His dad has and will probably always be very strict and mean to him. Seriously, what kind of Dad would make a nine year old be grounded for seven months and miss a Christmas all because Bo said something to him that wasn’t respectful. While in Bo’s mind going to the class was kind of suckish, it seemed like a good thing for him to do. Bo got to understanding that his family, well his dad mostly, caused his anger. I think that Bo didn’t want to believe that at all because he loves his family and didn’t think that they could cause that. His dad thinks he’s a quitter and that’s all just because he quit football one year because he didn’t really like it. It seems like Bo’s dad is a little…ok a lot of a pain in the butt and way to strict on Bo. While in the class Bo met many kids that became part of his life in the future. He told everyone one that the police found Hudgie in his house holding his dead dog on the porch in freezing weather. Hudgie’s dad shot the dog after Hudgie forgot to feed him twice and Hudgie kept on telling the dog that he was sorry and that it was his fault. The worst part was that when the police were taking his dad away Hudgie yelled on him to leave him alone and he really thought that it was his entire fault that he was dead. Hudgie’s dad was only charged with discharging a firearm inside city limits. That’s so sad and I think that made Bo realize that people have worse situations at home than him. Bo also met Shelly who later on became his girlfriend. Hearing her story about her being kicked out of her house and how her adopted parents thinking she would become just like her real mother was really sad. Her parents are so mean to her just because her mother wasn’t a good person when she had Shelly. It seemed like to me that they didn’t care for Shelly at all and they didn’t want her at all. They cared more about their other children than her. Bo learned about how Mr. S was actually gay. When Bo’s dad told him he had heard that, I didn’t believe him and I thought that Bo’s dad was just trying scare Bo. I was shocked at the same time because you would never think that by how the author describes him in the book. I thought it was good that Bo finally got over the fact that he is a nice person and like every other person in the world. Bo also met Elvis and Mr. Nak who became very nice in the end. Elvis never liked Bo but they got over their hard times and helped each other through the bad. In the book I thought that Elvis was going to hurt Bo because of what he would say to him. I’m glad that he didn’t though. Mr.Nak scared Bo at first and same with me. I thought it was funny that Bo said that it was a little Asian man that had a southern accent.

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