Monday, January 7, 2008

Ironman Chris Crutcher

Bo is a boy who has many problems. He has grown up in a house hold of fighting with his dad about many things. One of his main ways of taking his anger out is by exercising ,so he trains for a triathlons. Even pointing all of his anger at training he still reacts in ways he shouldn't. One example of this is he called his teacher an asshole which sent him straight to anger management. This doesn't help much because he doesn't learn from his mistakes, he thinks that every thing that he does is right. An example of this would be he had earned 100 dollars working so he decided to go put it in the bank. On his way there he ended up finding a hobo with no shoes without holes and his socks had also warn down. He decided that the hobo needed it more then he did so he gave it to him. When he got home he was astonished to figure out that his dad was mad at him for doing so. To him that sounded like it would have been the right thing to do until his dad told him he had to earn it back. Bo was now mad because it was his money he gave away so why did he have to pay him self back.
Bo has another problem. Bo had been swimming for many years before he goes and swims with the college kids and he ends up being amazing. Wyrack has a problem with this though. He is kinda the hot shot of the group and has a very big ego for himself. One day while they were training Bo beat him. This made Wyrack snap. Later that day after practice Wyrack beat him up for winning in the practice challenge thing.
Bo has one thing to look forward to though and that would be his girlfriend Shelly. He met her in his anger management class and they just kinda clicked. He shares everything with her things that nobody else knows. Life thought the book gets better for him though. He ends up loving dogs so he races them to make himself go faster when he gets to the triathlon and racing Wyrack in swimming also helps. In the end he wins the triathlon and getting the girl as well.
I think this book is very well written because it shows power. To me it shows that people all have there own meditation for some people its sleeping for others is exercising. When you set your mind into something like this you get a lot accomplished because you are pushing yourself more then most people who are just going out to get it done. You on the other hand are waiting to do it you plan your day around it. Bo takes his anger issues out by pushing himself farther then most people would go while he is training. He isn't finished until his body gives up because he is letting all of that anger and hatred out by pushing and thinking and just going.

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