Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog one

I liked this book for many reasons. First of all i like it because i can really connect with it. He is a normal teen age boy with problems just like i am a normal teen age girl with problems. Even thought we are on completely different pages when it comes to what we think about and how we act towards things we both have feelings. I also can connect a lot with this book because him and his dad fight a lot and he takes all of his anger out into his training. I my self fight with my mom a lot because we are both very stubborn so when it comes to a lot of things there is usually an argument involved. I play for the Chaska volleyball team so i have practice almost every day which is when i take my problems or my school work and my anger that just kinda builds up and just lets it all out. I have noticed that when i do that i play so much better because I'm not thinking about how tired i am or any thing I'm thinking about how i want to just keep pushing my self as far as i can go so i can get that feeling of accomplishment. I really like this book to because it shows what is really in our society. Examples of that would be poor people and how we should help them out and not be so greety about what we have i mean some people out there would kill for it. I think this book also has alot of lessons in it to. One of those would be to care about what you have because if you dont have use for it why bother to have it. Then again dont through it out because one persons trash is another persons treasure. I also liked this book becasue it had an easy plot to follow. Even though it had some hidden thoughts that is what makes a book good because it makes you think and get into what you are reading. It also had alot of honesty in it. We do have to start to value the dollar because our community is in a lot of debt. We might not know it now but we have to start thinking about the genarations down from us. Do we really want to leave them in a world that is unmanigiable? no because once we become a parent we dont want to let them get hurt in any way shape or form so why would we want to put them through the pain we have. If we dont learn it early its just a roadway to downfall for us in the future. So when parents get all up in our faces just know there doing it because they dont want you to make the same mistake that they did when they were our age. I always go by the saying everything happens for a reason...... we might not know what it is yet or ever but it was suppose to happen because usually something better comes out of it.


Lyssa Hemi said...

I think that it was a good idea to connect yourself with the book. I like how related yourself to Bo and how he fights with his dad and you fight with your mom. Thats cool that you play volleyball and you play better when you have to let all your anger out. It was a good idea that you put in words of wisdom, if you want to call it that. Like when you said that one persons trash is another persons treasure. Well i think thats all i have to say. Nice blog and good examples!!!

Kaitlyn F. said...

I know what you mean about anger/practice/whatever. I swim so when I have practice I pretty have nothing to do but think about crap. It gets really annoying sometimes. There's this SUPER annoying girl in my lane and so whenever we do sprints I barely even think about going fast or stroke technique or anything, just about beating her. The little twerp. Right, the book, OK, I can do that. I think that if I'm a parent I'm going to try really hard to do it differently than my parents. They don't get in my face or anything, sometimes I just want my mom to leave me alone but whatever, I'll live. I mean they're great and all but what if my kid is a "trouble maker" or something. I've never been grounded and I don't remember ever being punished. I certainly haven't been exiled for seven months. So, my parents' strategy wouldn't work for anyone who doesn't have life and tries really hard to get away. I practically live in the middle of nowhere so I pretty much have nowhere to go. Except a DQ three miles away and my one friend's house but he's never there so that's not really going to work out. Anyway, about like debt and making future generations deal with it. I think it's kind of unavoidable. I mean, I'm sure we'll try to fix it and all but it'll probably still be there when they're in charge. Hopefully it'll be smaller. Anyway, if they have nothing to deal with (I'm aware that that probably won't happen) until they have some terrible crisis on their hands, that probably won't work out so well.